Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GSM in Action - Guatemala

This is the latest video from Global Soccer Ministries (our ministry partners in Guatemala). They have been doing soccer camps this month and using the camps as a connection point for sharing Christ with the kids. Please keep GSM in your prayers. We hope to take another team down to assist them with a building project in February.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Missions Confrence Update

We spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at Gingellville Community Church in Lake Orion, Michigan for their annual missions conference. We were one of six different ministries who made presentations throughout the weekend.

The theme was “You Too Can Be a Missionary” which really worked out well for us as that concept is a foundational principle for what we are doing with Simply Missions. It was great to hear many of the other missionary presenters speak specifically of the important and encouraging role that short-term missions plays in the life of missionaries on the field. Hearing the testimonies of other Missionaries was both encouraging and motivating to us as we continue our effort in getting this ministry rolling.

Since I used to be on staff at that church, it was great to reconnect with old friends and see what God is doing in that congregation. It was a blessing to be a part of the conference and we felt privileged to share what God has been doing in our lives through Simply Missions.

We are hopeful of the things God has in store for GCC.

Thanks to those of you who prayed for us as we participated in this conference!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A view of "Paradise" : Guatemala City - zone 18

Here is a short video with some pictures of what Paradise looks like. Being there was eye opening.