Friday, January 2, 2009

A new look for a new year!

Happy New Year! We are excited to unveil our new logo and a new look for our website for 2009. Click on the new logo above to surf over to and have a look around and let us know what you think.

Aside from our new logo, we have some really exciting things going on in 2009. We are currently working on putting together nine different trips for '09 and we are always looking for new groups and partnerships. One of the most exciting things that is in the works is our newest initiative to transform communities in need of clean drinking water. We are already in the process of identifying a community where we will work to provide...

Clean Water through well drilling, water filtration, and purification.
Mosquito Netting to help prevent malaria.
Medical Clinics to relieve urgent and chronic illness.
Evangelistic Outreach through clinics, seminars, sports ministry, and relationship development.
Long-term Discipleship through church planting.

We'll keep you posted on all the latest news as these projects develop further. Thanks for your prayers!