Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bwana Asifiewe!

Bwana Asifiewe is Swahili for “Praise the Lord!” And there is much to praise Him for after my recent trip to Kenya. God went before us and paved the way for an incredible week in Africa. Thanks for your prayers!

The needs in Kenya are overwhelming. As we drove throughout the country, the thing that left the greatest impression on me was the bredth of poverty across the land. Everywhere we went there were people living in shanti town slums, and surviving conditions beyond my imagination. It is tough to take all that in, but at the same time it is exciting to be a part of a mission seeking to bring help and hope to those in desperate need.

In such situations, it can be difficult to know where to begin, and the truth is we could probably start almost anywhere. Relationships are often the default starting point, and our work in Kenya is turning out that way too. Through a network of already established relationships we decided to focus in on Olmoran, a remote community located about 45 miles north of Nyahururu.

We found ourselves in Olmoran, speaking with a group of cattle farmers about their greatest needs, food and water. In the midst of the conversation, a man named Leonard stepped forward from the back of the crowd and said, “I will pray for you, that God will show you how to help us.”

I want to ask you to join Leonard in his prayer. With so much work to be done, we don’t stand a chance without Divine intervention. We are now planning a medical mission trip to Olmoran, Kenya in October of this year. If you are interested, or know of someone interested in going on this trip, please let me know.

This is an incredibly busy spring season for us at Simply Missions. While I was in Kenya we had a team in Mississippi doing Katrina relief work. Next week Laura and I will be leading a group of high school students on a trip to France. During that same week, Bob & Janet Wielenga (founders of GO Develop) will be at a children’s home in Jamaica leading a team of 23. We get a short breather in May before the summer season begins in early June with two team trips to Jamaica, and one to Guatemala.

As always, we are grateful for your prayers and support that make this work possible!

Please continue to pray as this ministry grows.