Monday, April 12, 2010

Guatemala Team Returns Safely

Here is a group photo of our team that recently spent their spring break in Guatemala.  They returned early Sunday morning after a long travel day back to the US.  Here are a few comments that have already ended up on Facebook.

"Rejoicing in all that God did in and through the Lansing Christian mission team that was here. They worked so hard and were a great blessing to many. Hope you rest up you wonderful people!" - AMY (host missionary) 

"Thank you so much Amy and John for all u guys did for us. I miss Guatemala SO much already, if I could jump a plane back tomorrow I would. You guys are amazing!" - Stephen (Student on trip) 

"Ditto! It was one of the best mission experiences I've had." - Tim (Parent who went along as a chaperon) 

"Cannot describe how much God has changed my life through the lives of the people in Panito!"- Halie (Student on trip)

 It's always exciting to see the ways that God works in the lives of people (from hosts, to guests, to nationals, to prayer partners) on these trips.  If you haven't taken the time to read the blog entries from this team while they were in Guatemala, you can still find them on our website at

Thanks to all who supported this team in any way!
- joe
Director of Short-Term Missions

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Team In Guatemala This Week

We have a team of 23 people from Lansing Christian School serving in Guatemala this week.  Read their updates on our website at the following link.