Sunday, March 15, 2009

Catching You Up To Speed in KENYA

Friday and Saturday were long travel days and we arrived here last night (Saturday) at 8:00pm. After checking into the Guest House we grabbed a late dinner and went to bed as we were all pretty tired. Today (Sunday) we went to Huduma Church in the Kwangware slums for an authentic two and a half hour Kenyan church service.

This afternoon we enjoyed our day of rest by taking in some of the sites nearby. We spent some time feeding (some even kissing) the giraffes at the Giraffe Center in Karen. We also saw some cultural dancing at the Bomas Center, also in Karen.

Our highlight this evening was sorting through all of the donations that we brought with us. Tomorrow we will spend time with kids at Huduma Scool in the Kwangware slum before heading to Nyahururu which will serve as our base of operations for the following two days. Tuesday we will drive from Nyahuru to Olmoran, the site we are investigating for our first “Go Develop Communities” project. Later in the week we will be back here in Lavington doing two days of school activities at Lavington United Church Academy.

We are all overwhelmed by the love and joy that we are greeted with wherever we go. It is our prayer that we will bring more of God’s love to each individual that we meet on our journeys. Please pray with us that God would use our time here in Kenya for the growth of His Kingdom.

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