Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Project Lifeline team returns from Kenya

Our Simply Missions medical & water filtration crew (nicknamed: Project Lifeline) has returned safely from Kenya.  They were able to conduct clinics in Olmoran, Lorrian, Salama, and Olkalou, Kenya.  In the end they saw 1280 patients! 

The water crew taught four men in Olmoran how to properly build the water filtration systems.  Those men will continue to build five filters a week for the next five weeks, under the supervision of a local pastor.  That will result in 26 filters in that community in a little over a month.  One filter unit was placed in the medical clinic in Olmoran and will be in process for 21 days (that’s how long it takes to initially get clean water out of it). 

Our team trained five men in the village of Salama do the same thing for the next five weeks resulting in an additional 26 filters (52 total).  This crew will also be supervised by a local pastor. 

Immediately folks began asking where they could get a filter for their homes.  The pastor in Salama told those who could afford materials to purchase the items needed and the work crew would come to their home to install the filter for them.  Those who are without means will receive one of the filters that were donated. Those that can purchase their materials now have a qualified team to install their filter.  We anticipate that each filter has the capacity to provide clean water for up to three families.

We still have funds to build more filters in these communities, but we wanted to make sure this setup was going to work before over committing resources.  We are excited to see how these small changes may help breathe life into the community and open doorways for these pastors to minister to these families.

Thanks for praying for this team and for making health a possibility in these communities.

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