Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beyond Borders Road Trip: SOUTH AFRICA August 7-20, 2010

Join the Beyond Borders Road Trip: SOUTH AFRICA August 7-20, 2010!

What is a Beyond Borders Road Trip? It’s a chance for college age students to step beyond the borders of their life and discover a world beyond their own. It’s a chance to encounter God through the eyes of another culture. It’s a chance to experience what it’s like to live on mission.

Don’t just go to help people, come to be with people.
Don’t just go to speak, come to listen.
Don’t just go to see the world, come to better understand the world.
Don’t just go to accomplish something, come to be transformed.

Because we set out to give you a holistic missional experience, we will take pieces of what Pure Hope & Nieu Communities (two cutting edge ministries reaching out to the least of these in South Africa) naturally experience throughout the year and bring as many of those pieces together as we can to provide a compact, integrated experience.

Three currents of Communion, Community, and Context will be obvious throughout the trip. So there will be times of spiritual reflection, worship, or prayer each day. We’ll do some exploring together and we’ll engage the culture through acts of service, kindness, conversation, and prayer. We’ll also throw some adventure into each trip and take you out to see and experience more of the country.

At this point you may be wondering if this is really a fit for you, or you may have specific questions about a road trip – whichever it is feel free to contact Joe Neill, Director of Simply Missions, at

Come join us on an adventure … an adventure that might just change your life.

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