Friday, May 1, 2009

Good times & God moments

In April, I had the privilege of taking Laura along with me on a trip to France. With our young family, it’s not easy to make that happen very often but it is always a blessing when it works out. We led a spring break trip for a small team of high school students who have been studying French. Our first night there we participated in a youth rally where several churches gathered. That event formed the foundation for relationships to develop over the course of the following days. Spiritual conversations were sparked, seeds were planted, and friendships budded. I was pleasantly surprised at the way these students sought to minister to their new friends through simple conversation.

At the end of the trip, my plan was to stay in France for a few extra days after the team left. I had some arrangements made but didn’t know what I would do for my last evening. Early in the week I contacted an old friend who I knew was a missionary in France and, as it turns out, he was going to be in the Paris area that day and was able to meet me. We spent a day catching up and talking about his ministry. They need teams to come help with camp, and it just so happens that I lead teams. God is good. On my last day in France I was able to stay at their facility just outside of Paris and he took me to the airport the next morning. It was one of those moments where I trusted God and the result was more than I could have imagined.

If anyone is interested in a trip to France, the camp is desperately in need of some skilled construction workers to do some renovation of their guest housing. The project is already underway and supplies are already at the location. Now they just need help installing windows, laying tile, installing drop ceilings, repairing plaster, and lots more. Contact me if you are interested in helping out!

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