Thursday, May 7, 2009

Whitehouse, Jamaica

In March 2009 Solomon Johnson's family of 11 was left homeless after an electrical fire destroyed their house and many of their possessions. Solomon's family was given land to rebuild on, the only problem was it was in the bush and would need to be cleared first; a difficult task for a man with only a machete.

That's the point where 23 Lansing Christian School students and adults entered the scene. With shovels, pick axes, a chain saw, and the generosity of a local contractor and his "bobcat", the land was cleared in one day. During the week of service, footings were poured; cement block laid and rocks carried to fill in the foundation. The sun was warm, and the work was hard as students had to carry heavy bags of sand and rock up the mountain to the site. Hand mixing concrete and mortar taught the students new skills and an appreciation for cement mixers! The team was able to complete the foundation for the new Johnson family residence as well as begin the hole for their latrine.

While in Jamaica the LCS team was able to present two chapel services in area schools. They sang songs and students shared about life in the USA. The group also attended an energetic Palm Sunday service (over two hours long) complete with the waving of palm branches. All week long this team had the privilege of demonstrating love to Jamaican kids. Whenever they had a break at school the kids would find the LCS group for more time coloring, blowing bubbles, and playing Red Rover, soccer and even cricket.

The LCS students were challenged each day to see God at work around them. Some examples included a bobcat showing up at the worksite to help clear the brush, the true worship that took place at a small Jamaican church, the chance students had to help each other carry heavy loads, and the joy on the faces of all the students as they ministered to Solomon's family and the children in the area.

The week ended as the LCS team gathered together to pray with Solomon and his family. They all stood around the foundation of his new home and lifted up prayers of thanksgiving to our wonderful Lord. It was another amazing week filled with amazing stories of God's faithfulness.

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