Saturday, August 29, 2009

Heading Home

Since my last update there has been lots going on with little chance to connect to the internet and make additional updates. We had a great time up at YWAM Kruger and were able to help with a feeding program, assist in digging a trench and with building a home, and got to meet some great people.

We have now been in Cape Town for three days ministering at Kensington Worship Center. Friday night I taught at the youth service and today, Dave and I taught workshops focused on helping church leaders work with volunteers. Kim was sick on Friday but is feeling better now, and Dale has been sick today. Pray for both of them to get healthy for the 24 hour trip home, and pray that the rest of us stay healthy. Tomorrow Dave will preach at the morning services, we’ll have lunch with the pastors here, take the afternoon to visit Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was held prisoner), then we catch an evening flight back home.

This will be my last chance to update you all before our departure so let me say thank you for your faithful prayers while our team has been here in South Africa. The trip has been outstanding.


P.S. My back is almost fully better. Sleeping on a real bed the last few days has helped. Keep praying that it will improve in spite of the long flights ahead of us. Thanks!

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