Sunday, August 16, 2009

South Africa Update #1

Our team arrived safely here in South Africa on Friday evening. Saturday left us no room for jet-lag as we got up early and headed to Mabopane for our One Life shack-build day. We partnered with a team of folks called "Pure Hope" from Moreletta Park Church. Together we built two One Life shacks. One was for a young man named Sello, and the other was for an HIV+ widow mother of three (the youngest being a 10 month old baby). All were extremely grateful for the help we have provided for them. The Westwinds team paid for the building of one of the shacks and the Pure Hope team paid for the other. These were shacks number 6 & 7 for the One Life program that was started by Pure Hope with the intention of simply changing one life at a time.

Sunday (today) was a day off of the work for us. We attended church at 3rd Place this morning (with lots of our new shack-building friends), and Moreletta Park Church this evening. We've met lots of wonderful South African people along the way.

Tomorrow we head back to the community of Mabopane and will meet a woman named "Mamma Mary" who runs an orphanage there for neglected and disabled children. I anticipate it will be a pretty intense day.

The team is doing great. Everyone is enjoying the time here. Please continue to pray for us as we seek to minister the love of Jesus to all we meet. And please pray specifically for me. After the 16 hour plane ride my back began acting up. Some of you know that I have had recent issues with my back. Our whole time here my back has been in spazam and it has been difficult for me to do any work and ride in vehicles. I see a physiotherapist tomorrow. Pray that the kinks will get worked out and that I will be able to keep up with the activity planned for the team.

Thank you all for your love and prayers!

1 comment:

Len said...

praying for you guys.