Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kenya Water Project Update

Our Goal: Clean Water for Kenyan Families

As you know, we have been looking for practical ways to help provide safe drinking water in remote areas in Kenya, East Africa. Our search has led us to Aquaclara, a company that has designed a product that transforms pond scum into clean, clear, purified drinkable water that exceeds the WHO's standards for drinking water. And it is simple, efficient, and affordable.

The developers of these filtration systems understand the technology and will be teaching us the practical side of building the units which we hope to place in hundreds of Kenyan homes in 2010. While Aqua Clara has the technical know how, our partnership will provide a new network for distribution of these life giving systems.

This Christmas you can partner with Global Outreach Development (the parent organization of Simply Missions) in providing water purifiers for families living in the communities of Olmoran and Salame, Kenya.

In February 2010, a team from the USA will be traveling to Kenya to help with the health issues in these communities. Both communities rely hevily upon streams and standing water as their only source to sustain life. This water is very contaminated but can be cleaned and purified through this simple system. And each filter lasts 10 years.

Click here to watch a brief video displaying the units at work.

Help one family for $35
Help five families for $175
Help ten families for $350
Help more families... you do the math!

Contributions are tax deductible and can be sent to Global Outreach Development, Attn: Kenya Water Project, PO Box 80221, Lansing Mi. 48908

Or Donate online

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