Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Letter from the President

What can I give your Christmas this year?

The Christmas season is upon us. The pageants, the music, the decorations, the shopping, cookie making and family gatherings create lasting memories as we celebrate this powerful season. Children have started making out their Christmas lists. Cabbage Patch dolls, Buzz Lightyear, Tickle Me Elmo—the hot items of Christmas’ past will be replaced by the next latest craze. It’s that time of year again where in the US we’re bombarded with advertisements that help us solve the dilemma of what to buy that special someone for Christmas.

Last year at this time we talked and dreamed with you about the possibility of drilling a well in the community of Olmoran, Kenya. However, due to drought issues that resulted in needing to dig deeper wells and permitting issues that continue to raise the costs, we recognize that at a cost of $75,000 - $100,000 for the well – we’re probably not going to drill any. So what can we do?

Over the course of this past year, God has led us to an organization that has designed and implemented a water purification process that is simple, uses locally obtained materials, and has no moving parts. And it works!

This Christmas, as you’ve looking over the list of things to get others, please consider giving the gift of life through purified and clean water to the 50,000 people that live in the communities of Olmoran and Salame, Kenya. At $35 each, we know this is something we can do and we’re excited about it. In fact, we have a medical team ready to go in February of 2010 and we will build and install as many water purifiers as we receive the money for during this time.

We’re always in search of value. In these economic times I know that I want the gifts I give to have value physically as well as spiritually. By providing these purifiers through the Anglican Church of Kenya we can accomplish both of these goals.

Imagine the joy your family and friends will feel when they learn that a family in Kenya has just received the gift of clean drinkable water in their honor. For every Kenyan family you choose to help in this way, we will send you a beautifully designed card for you to present to each honoree. This way you will be able to celebrate together on Christmas day this gift of love and life.

What are you going to give for Christmas this year? Prayerfully consider giving the gift of clean water to families in Kenya. It’s the gift that really does keep on giving.

Thanks for giving,

Bob Wielenga


Global Outreach Development

Contributions are tax deductible and can be sent to Global Outreach Development, Attn: Kenya Water Project, PO Box 80221, Lansing Mi. 48908

Or Donate online

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