Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Celebrating 2009

As last year came to a close we’ve taken time to look back over some of the numbers that have been significant for us in 2009…

58,186 = number of air miles traveled by Joe
1,256 = number of support letters sent out this year
160 = number of water filtration systems sponsored to be built in Kenya in 2010
132 = number of trip participants
51 = number of days Joe spent overseas
9 = number of mission teams this year
6 = number of countries served (Kenya, France, Guatemala, Jamaica, South Africa, & USA)
3 = number of homes built for the poor
The most important numbers are the ones we don’t know with certainty, but we celebrate none the less…
?? = number of prayers prayed
?? = number of sacrifices made by supporters
?? = number of lives changed
As the new year begins, we hope that you will take time to consider all that God has blessed you with throughout 2009, and know that we have counted you among our blessings.  There is much work still to be done around the world, and at times, it can be a bit overwhelming.  We are thankful for the role we have been able to play in God’s work this year.  Please pray that God would continue to guide us to people and places where we can serve.
Joe Neill

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