Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting The New Year Right

The dawn of a new year always provides an opportunity to reflect on life, set goals, and chart a course for the future. This month, I will have some specific venues in which to do that reflection. From January 8-15th I will be at the Michendo Retreat Center to participate in my third and final residency retreat for my master’s degree. Though academic in nature, these residencies have been extremely formational for my spiritual life, and I expect that this one will be also. The focus this year is on leading the Church toward increased effectiveness in spiritual formation. The specific application for me will come in the search for ways to lead and facilitate spiritual growth through mission experiences. The following week I’ll head to Canada for a pastors and leaders conference. Here again I’ll have the opportunity to reflect on the year ahead, spend time listening for God’s direction, and seek God’s vision for the future. Please pray that God will open my mind and heart to receive all that He has for me during these focused times of study, training, reflection, and prayer.

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