Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Peek Ahead: What's on the Horizon?

Last month I shared some of the milestones that we’ve enjoyed throughout 2009, but I didn’t get to talk much about some of the exciting things that are happening in the year ahead. So here are a few highlights.

Willow Creek Jr. High Trip – We’re really excited to have the opportunity to organize a jr. high trip for students at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. That trip will be to do hurricane relief work in Mississippi and will take place in mid-June.

Guatemala Focus – Last summer it seemed like we did a lot of work in Jamaica. This year the focus is leaning more toward Guatemala. With three trips already planned to serve our partner missionaries (Global Soccer Ministries) in 2010, we are anticipating some great work to be accomplished in Guatemala this summer. One of those trips is open to individuals like you! Let me know if you are interested.

Home Church Support – As missionaries, any time we get support is great, but it is particularly meaningful when your home church adopts you. This month Westwinds Community Church, our home church and where I once served on staff, announced that we’d be “on the books” for 2010. We can’t express how thankful we are to be backed by our church. It means a lot.

Olmoran Vision Moves Toward Reality – It was January 2009 when we first announced our intentions of transforming a community in Kenya through clean water (water purification, & filtration), medical clinics (to relieve urgent and chronic illness), evangelistic outreach (seminars, ministry, and relationship development), and long-term discipleship (through church planting). Next month a team will travel to Olmoran, Kenya, to begin the first phase of what we have sometimes called GoDevelop Olmoran. That team will be focused on addressing physical health issues through chiropractic care and facilitating the assembly of up to 160 water filtration systems (thanks to the generosity of our donors!). We are thrilled to have this opportunity to make a practical difference in this community and we look forward to the doors of ministry that will open in the process.

So, that is a brief look at some of what is on the horizon. Keep praying for God’s movement and direction as we seek to serve Him around the globe!

joe neill

God's Faithful Provision: A 2009 Fiscal Report

The end of the year is also a good time to evaluate our finances (though we do it on a regular basis as well).  As I look over the numbers I am reminded of God’s faithful provision for us as we have taken this step of faith.  We ended 2009 at 51% of our annual funding goal.  That may raise the obvious question, how in the world can we keep doing this?  Well, that is a good question.  I have discovered that when we rely on God, money seems to go farther and doors of provision open in unexpected ways.  For example, this fall (by a series of Divine coincidences) Laura landed a part time job at a dental office.  That has been a blessing in many ways.  Also, last January, I had the opportunity to teach a class on spiritual formation for undergraduates at Spring Arbor University.  This year, SAU has extended an invitation again and I’ll be teaching Worldviews.  These part-time opportunities have seemingly fallen into our laps and we have God to thank.  Additionally, we’ve enjoyed periodic “surprise gifts” that have ironically (or better, Divinely) come at our times of greatest need.  Experiencing God’s faithful provision strengthens our hearts and encourages us to continue placing our faith in Him.  So, know that I’ve included this fiscal report not as a plea for cash, but as a testimony of how we believe God has cared and will continue to care for us.

Starting The New Year Right

The dawn of a new year always provides an opportunity to reflect on life, set goals, and chart a course for the future. This month, I will have some specific venues in which to do that reflection. From January 8-15th I will be at the Michendo Retreat Center to participate in my third and final residency retreat for my master’s degree. Though academic in nature, these residencies have been extremely formational for my spiritual life, and I expect that this one will be also. The focus this year is on leading the Church toward increased effectiveness in spiritual formation. The specific application for me will come in the search for ways to lead and facilitate spiritual growth through mission experiences. The following week I’ll head to Canada for a pastors and leaders conference. Here again I’ll have the opportunity to reflect on the year ahead, spend time listening for God’s direction, and seek God’s vision for the future. Please pray that God will open my mind and heart to receive all that He has for me during these focused times of study, training, reflection, and prayer.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Celebrating 2009

As last year came to a close we’ve taken time to look back over some of the numbers that have been significant for us in 2009…

58,186 = number of air miles traveled by Joe
1,256 = number of support letters sent out this year
160 = number of water filtration systems sponsored to be built in Kenya in 2010
132 = number of trip participants
51 = number of days Joe spent overseas
9 = number of mission teams this year
6 = number of countries served (Kenya, France, Guatemala, Jamaica, South Africa, & USA)
3 = number of homes built for the poor
The most important numbers are the ones we don’t know with certainty, but we celebrate none the less…
?? = number of prayers prayed
?? = number of sacrifices made by supporters
?? = number of lives changed
As the new year begins, we hope that you will take time to consider all that God has blessed you with throughout 2009, and know that we have counted you among our blessings.  There is much work still to be done around the world, and at times, it can be a bit overwhelming.  We are thankful for the role we have been able to play in God’s work this year.  Please pray that God would continue to guide us to people and places where we can serve.
Joe Neill