Monday, September 1, 2008

September Prayer Calendar

September is a here and there is a lot happening for us. Last week Jackson Christian called me to see if I was willing to teach 11th grade Bible for the first semester because the teacher they had lined up was unable to fulfill that commitment for medical reasons. I accepted and will be teaching one hour of Bible each day at the school along with setting up the chapel services for the middle school and high school. The school is graciously working around my travel schedule as I quite a bit going on in the next few months.

Next week (Sept. 10-12) I am teaching and leading worship for the Lansing Christian Middle School retreat. I will be doing four talks during those three days and will also be serving as the MC.

On Sept. 18, I'll head to Guatemala with four other guys on a preview trip. We will be meeting with several ministries there who are potential host sites for short term teams. My hope is that at least a few of the guys going along with me will gather teams to head down to one of these sites next summer. That's the game plan anyway.

On top of all that, Austin starts first grade tomorrow!

We sincerely appreciate your prayers this month as we look for God's care and provision in all that we do.


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