Monday, August 25, 2008

Success in Jamaica

While Jamaica was winning Gold at the Olympic games in China, Simply Missions was celebrating some successes in Jamaica. Although many people think only of resorts when they hear "Jamaica", I saw another side of the island. In fact, I saw almost every side of the island as I spent time in Kingston, Mandeville, Knockpatrick, Whitehouse, Ocho Rios, and Montego Bay. It's always difficult to measure success in ministry, but as I returned from Jamaica on Wednesday I knew that this trip had been a success in several ways. The team from Chapel Point worked hard all week at building structures and relationships. As with many missions trips, we left with work yet to be completed, but also with hopes of returning to assist these ministries in the future. Personally, my time in Jamaica was extremely productive. I developed contacts with ministry leaders across the island that will open the doors to the possibility of numerous groups working in Jamaica in the coming years. These are not just business relationships, these are now friendships and I look forward to seeing my friends in Jamaica again very soon. Thanks to all of you who prayed over this trip and made it possible financially.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Kingston Trip Is Going Well!

We are on day 5 of the Chapel Pointe Orphan's Hope Mission Trip here in Jamaica. Tropical Storm Fay dropped quite a bit of rain here Saturday night, but the biggest trouble we faced was a little water leaking through the roof of our townhouse. It appears as though Fay will not hinder our departure plans on the 20th but we would all appreciate your prayers as we return on Wednesday.
Saturday was our free day. We always try to do something fun on a trip and it is usually the last day, but it worked best for us to go on Saturday and it was a nice break for everyone at the mid-trip point. The labor and interaction with kids is emotionally and physically draining. The team loved Dunns River Falls and had nice relaxing day there.
Sunday we visited a church across the street from where we are staying, and later we headed over to the NEST. The Chapel Pointe team had done a great job of organizing backpacks filled with items specifically for each child. Jill, one of the team members, really put a lot of effort into that whole process. Each of the kids were excited to receive a new backpack just before school resumes again, as well as some fun things like games, toys, and slippers.

Today the teams are back out to the two ministry sites where we have been working all week, but I am headed to Montego Bay. I will meet with leaders of another ministry today and tomorrow will visit the CCCD campus there (it's the only one I have not seen since I have been here).

Pray for safety for the teams working today in the Jamaican heat. Forecasts said it would feel like 96 degrees. Also pray for me as I travel and meet with other leaders to talk about opportunities for teams to come down here in '09.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jamaica Update - God at Work!

Today was our first day of ministry here in Jamaica. The team split into two groups. Twelve traveled to the CCCD (Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf) and worked extremely hard at sanding cement to prepare it for paint. Everyone on that team was really wiped out when they returned back to campus. The rest of us traveled to the Nest Children's Home where we scoped out a doorway project and hung out with the kids who were there. The team brought several different crafts for the kids to work on and they were busy all day playing games and making bracelets.

When we wrapped up our day Jill shared an exciting story about how God moved. As we were sitting with the kids, Jill mentioned to Major Scarlet that the team had brought down book bags with school supplies for each of the kids. Major Scarlet looked at her with some surprise and said, "I was lying in bed last night wondering how I was going to buy book bags and school supplies for the kids. I am here now waiting for the van to return so that I might go out and purchase those items because we needed them." What an exciting God moment. We have prayed that God would "go before us" on this trip and moments like that prove that He has answered that prayer.

What will happen tomorrow?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chapel Pointe Team In Jamaica!

The team of 19 from Chapel Pointe arrived safely today in Kingston. Praise God for a safe and uneventful journey. Everyone is feeling good and looking froward to a great week of ministry.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another great day in Jamaica

I spent all of today traveling with Chad from CCCD. We toured the Knockpatrick campus, went to YS Falls, and toured the Jamaica Deaf Village on the Mandeville campus. I am more and more convinced that working with CCCD is a great opportunity for the future of Simply Missions. The people here are great and they really understand our vision for what short-term missions is all about. I'm looking forward to partnering with CCCD on many trips in the future.

Below you'll see pictures of the construction that is underway at the medical clinic on the Knockpatrick campus, the beauty of the YS falls, some of the woodworking projects done by the deaf residents here at CCCD, and the view from the Mandeville campus.

The Chapel Pointe team arrives tomorrow. Keep them in your prayers as they travel.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Behind the Scenes in Kingston

I came down to Kingston a few days before the Chapel Pointe team is scheduled to arrive so that I could get things set up for them here and get a little work done for Simply Missions. We are developing a new partnership with the CCCD (Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf) and tomorrow I will tour several of their facilities here on the island and meet with some of the leaders. I am really excited about the work that this group is doing down here and am looking forward to seeing first-hand what God is doing through their ministry. Pray for great meetings tomorrow and Wednesday, and for the safe arrival of the Chapel Pointe team on Wednesday as well.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Encouraging Report from Katrina Trip

As you know, Shiloh Church went down to do Katrina relief work in July. I spoke with Tom, the youth pastor there when they got back and he was really positive. I wanted to let you all know about that conversation but didn't think I could appropriately quote him without having it in writing first. It was one of those too-good-to-be-true kinds of conversations. So here is what he wrote on his blog.

"This was probably the most amazing trip I have been on in my youth pastor career. I have not seen so much transformation happen in such a short amount of time, even in myself. The way that God moved on this trip was so amazing."

We're always excited to hear stuff like this, especially when we were a part of it. And, as supporters of this ministry, YOU are a part of that as well! Thank you all!

Read more from tom's blog here.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Guatemala Preview Trip in September

I'm putting together our first preview trip to Guatemala on September 18-23. This trip is designed for supporters or prospective trip leaders to come along and get a glimpse of what a short-term trip looks like in Guatemala. This is the first time we have gone to this particular ministry so it's a preview for me as well. I am already excited about the organization and leadership of the ministry we are partnering with in Guatemala. We have an exciting itinerary lined up. Trip will cost $535 plus airfare. If you or anyone you know might be interested in joining us on this trip please contact me ASAP.
- joe neill