Monday, August 18, 2008

Kingston Trip Is Going Well!

We are on day 5 of the Chapel Pointe Orphan's Hope Mission Trip here in Jamaica. Tropical Storm Fay dropped quite a bit of rain here Saturday night, but the biggest trouble we faced was a little water leaking through the roof of our townhouse. It appears as though Fay will not hinder our departure plans on the 20th but we would all appreciate your prayers as we return on Wednesday.
Saturday was our free day. We always try to do something fun on a trip and it is usually the last day, but it worked best for us to go on Saturday and it was a nice break for everyone at the mid-trip point. The labor and interaction with kids is emotionally and physically draining. The team loved Dunns River Falls and had nice relaxing day there.
Sunday we visited a church across the street from where we are staying, and later we headed over to the NEST. The Chapel Pointe team had done a great job of organizing backpacks filled with items specifically for each child. Jill, one of the team members, really put a lot of effort into that whole process. Each of the kids were excited to receive a new backpack just before school resumes again, as well as some fun things like games, toys, and slippers.

Today the teams are back out to the two ministry sites where we have been working all week, but I am headed to Montego Bay. I will meet with leaders of another ministry today and tomorrow will visit the CCCD campus there (it's the only one I have not seen since I have been here).

Pray for safety for the teams working today in the Jamaican heat. Forecasts said it would feel like 96 degrees. Also pray for me as I travel and meet with other leaders to talk about opportunities for teams to come down here in '09.

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