Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another great day in Jamaica

I spent all of today traveling with Chad from CCCD. We toured the Knockpatrick campus, went to YS Falls, and toured the Jamaica Deaf Village on the Mandeville campus. I am more and more convinced that working with CCCD is a great opportunity for the future of Simply Missions. The people here are great and they really understand our vision for what short-term missions is all about. I'm looking forward to partnering with CCCD on many trips in the future.

Below you'll see pictures of the construction that is underway at the medical clinic on the Knockpatrick campus, the beauty of the YS falls, some of the woodworking projects done by the deaf residents here at CCCD, and the view from the Mandeville campus.

The Chapel Pointe team arrives tomorrow. Keep them in your prayers as they travel.

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