Saturday, August 9, 2008

Encouraging Report from Katrina Trip

As you know, Shiloh Church went down to do Katrina relief work in July. I spoke with Tom, the youth pastor there when they got back and he was really positive. I wanted to let you all know about that conversation but didn't think I could appropriately quote him without having it in writing first. It was one of those too-good-to-be-true kinds of conversations. So here is what he wrote on his blog.

"This was probably the most amazing trip I have been on in my youth pastor career. I have not seen so much transformation happen in such a short amount of time, even in myself. The way that God moved on this trip was so amazing."

We're always excited to hear stuff like this, especially when we were a part of it. And, as supporters of this ministry, YOU are a part of that as well! Thank you all!

Read more from tom's blog here.

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