Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gearing Up For Another Great Week!

We had a long night but an incredibly smooth travel experience for our journey to Guatemala.  Everything came together exactly as planned and we touched down here bright and early at 6:15am.  The airline fed a light breakfast to those who were awake to eat during the 4 hour flight from Chicago.  We breezed through immigration and customs and joyfully connected with our GSM hosts, John & Amy Banta.  Within just a few minutes we had our stuff loaded on the truck and we jumped in the vans and headed for 2nd breakfast at McDonalds.  I'm not sure egg mcmuffins have ever tasted so good! 

We were here at the seminary by about 9am (Mountain Time) and we quickly settled in to our rooms.  Students were given time to relax, nap, or play until lunch - which is in just a few minutes.  After lunch we'll do a small work project here on the seminary property and then head out for a tour of some of the areas where we will be working this week.  Group morale is high and everyone seems to have endured the long travel day. 

Please pray for us as we begin this incredible week here in Guatemala.  We're excited about all that God has for each of us in the days ahead. 

More later... time for lunch!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sleep well LCS team.....I'm eager to hear about the exciting adventures God has in store for you :)
Love you Mallory and Maddie xoxox