Wednesday, April 6, 2011

LCS Student Reflections - Day 4

Dear ya’ll,
One of the most common things I have noticed from a so called “veteran’s” point of view is that mission trips make everyone grateful for what they have. Last year I realized how much stuff I have, this year I realized how much love I get to receive daily. I noticed, and John pointed out, that Guatemalans play hard. I was asked the question, “How did you get to be such a good worker?” Apparently I am good at staying on task and not standing around… I do not know how much of that is true though. With out a doubt my answer was my father. I am pretty sure every time he comes home there is something he wants me to pick up or put away. And in every sport I have ever played he has pushed me too my limit, luckily it has rubbed off on me! Some of these Guatemalans do not get to accept very much love because they do not get much love. I get so much love that I push a lot of it away! The children today as we were leaving the fields where GSM held games for 4 different communities kept asking if we were coming back, and a few girls from our group played with them for a couple hours in the park. These kids can hardly communicate with us, but they take all the love we give to them and hold on to it with their life. That is how we should act, receiving love with open arms. Even if that means cleaning our rooms with a smile… now I have no excuses haha. But it’s a process and this trip has opened my eyes even wider than before. More is yet to come. Love you parents I’ll have to clean my room when I get back.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

thank God for all the blessings our team is able to share this week. its great to see those blessings coming back to you as love and appreciation from the local kids. its also a joy to see and read about the great things you're doing. take care.

p.s. Jay, could you share with Mallory about cleaning your room. :)

Marc P.