Thursday, April 7, 2011

LCS Student Reflections - Day 5

Every day we continue to see more and our eyes are opened to even more than they were before. The language barrier continues to lessen and our relationships with the people constantly grow. Today I had many opportunities to have amazing conversations with people. I stepped out of my comfort zone and thanks be to God I learned so much through it. The pastor and I talked during one of the soccer games and it was such an encouragement to be able to communicate. The area of Zone 18 is very devastated and the ministry is beginning to set a firm foundation to spread the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the people of Renosmientos. I feel so blessed to have been part of the growth of the community. I know that God will be present and work in the lives of those around. Thanks be to John and Amy Banta who have been such a blessing and inspiration to my life and the lives of all those around them.

*Down where my heart will always be, I learned so much and now I can see. My life can be used in so many ways, I am God’s servant the rest of my days!*


With Love,

I’m not quite sure where to start, as this type of thing is a little outside of my comfort zone, but I know all of you parents and well wishers take great delight in being able to have some glimpse of our experiences as we go through them as well.  Guatemala is so many different things it’s almost impossible to put my emotions and thoughts into coherent form, but in its simple form it is really fun!  At first it was a little overwhelming (and the heat didn’t help) but as I grow more accustomed to the weather and the work, it gives me more opportunities to try and interact with the locals.  I know a bit of Spanish but it’s still really hard to follow when all the little kids flock around you, jabbering away in an indistinguishable rush of sound.  As I’m sure everyone else has already mentioned, it gets much easier the more you talk, as long as your willing to try and fail a few times without being too self-conscious to try again.  We are so blessed to have all these great leaders who take so much of their own personal time to help us help them, and they do so much more than we realize even now, I expect. 
On another note, our group is coming together and connecting so much!  As the days fly by and the end of our great adventure draws ever closer, we all spend so much time hanging out, playing games at the seminary at night and talking through our daily devotions.  It’s a time well spent that I really value and hope will continue into our more mundane, daily lives upon our return.  Also, the more we learn about others, the more we can learn about ourselves!  Because even though we may wish to be examples, others perceptions are so easily formed and it really helps to see yourself from another’s point of view…  I hope this finds you all well and rest assured we are doing great! 
Lots of love to all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the inspiring updates and the amazing photos! I can't wait to hear all the stories :)
How 'bout a Guatemala party at the Pauley's when you get back home?
Love to Mallory and Madison and all their special friends.
Love, Mama P.