Tuesday, April 5, 2011

LCS Student Reflections - Day 3

Hola!  This is Jessica & Calli.  Today was a wonderful day!  We worked at Renosmientos and we got so much done! We finished the soccer field today and we picked mass amounts of the cement clumps out of it too!  Most of the people started their day out working in the soccer field but some people stayed back at the school and finished the garden and made a flower garden.  It was very cool to see the kids trying to help us out and they had such willing hearts.  After lunch, everyone moved to the soccer field because we had accomplished our tasks at the school.  During the last 15 minutes of our work day, it was pouring rain!  When we were getting ready to leave, we all circled up with people from the community and Pastor Rimerez led us in prayer.  We saw God through one of the ladies who was thanking us for all that we had done and it brought her to tears.  We learned how much the kids appreciate the attention we give them because they don’t get that a lot.  We’re so excited to see what God has in store for the rest of this week for our team!  Thanks for all your prayer’s and support.  We can always use them!!!  Love you all! 
- Callie and Jessica

1 comment:

Daina said...

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Eph 2:10) This is what I thought of when seeing how much you all had accomplished in just a few days! Clearly God is empowering you for the work He had for you. We are praying for you every day (well, maybe even every hour!). Thanks to all the group leaders for caring for our kids! What a great group!