Friday, June 10, 2011

Jackson Christian School Team Headed to Guatemala!

This week I'm really excited to be leading my my sixth trip for Jackson Christian School.  I actually led my first short-term mission trip for JCS back in 2006.  We went to Guatemala - It was also my first international mission trip.  Each year since then I've led students from JCS on trips to Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and of course, Guatemala.  Because JCS has had such a long history with us, we have a special blog just for their teams called, Royal Servants.  If you check out this blog you will find stories and pictures from participants over the years.  This week on the Royal Servants blog, you'll be able to follow the progress of the 2011 JCS missions team as they make their journey to Guatemala.  Please check it out each day and take time to pray for this team as they serve God in Guatemala.
joe neill
Simply Missions

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