Sunday, June 19, 2011

Westwinds Student Journey Team Headed to Guatemala!

Yesterday, the JCS team returned back to the USA after a great week of serving here in Guatemala.  You can read all about that on their team blog:  They arrived home safely, late last night.

Early this morning, the Westwinds Student Journey team started their journey down here.  I was just texting with one of their leaders and they are in Miami ready to board their flight to Guatemala City.  I am looking forward to another great week working alongside Global Soccer Ministries.

I hope to be posting regular updates and reflections from the team members throughout the week on this blog.  Stay tuned for those updates.  If checking a blog sounds like too much work, simply "like" the Simply Missions Facebook page and get the update links right on your Facebook home page.

We all appreciate your prayers (especially for good weather this week).

joe neill
Director of Short-Term Missions

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