Thursday, June 23, 2011

Westwinds Student Journey Team: Day 4 (Wednesday)

            Today we got to laugh. A lot! (I love that a smile is so universal!) I haven’t laughed this much in a really long time. The people here are so joyful. The simplest things will make them laugh, which is one of my favorite things. We went to a soccer field today and set up a couple different stations for kids to play games and win some candy. I wish you could have seen how their faces lit up, even if they lost the game. A couple of kids were challenging us to “serious” contests. It was such a simple thing but it had the ability to tear down the language barrier to allow us to joke, laugh, and love on these kids.
It’s so awesome how God uses something as basic as a smile to bring us together. I had no idea what any of the kids were saying today but I heard their smiles louder than anything. I think that’s how God speaks a lot of the time to me; not as much as the big stuff as through little things that fill my day. That’s one reason I appreciate this time so much; it allows me to slow down and hear God without the noise of our nonstop society back in America.

Brooke J

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