Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Westwinds Student Journey Team: Day 2 (Monday)

   We’re in Guatemala! I have been looking forward to this trip for so long, and I am so excited we are here.
            So here’s the thing – I am not going to lie, I have some major culture shock going on right now. You see people living in shacks on those sad commercials on TV, but I have always brushed it off, until today. I saw it in person, and it has changed me forever. Today we went to “the terminal”, a huge market in Guatemala City. We bought fruit and LIVE chickens (and yes, actually, I not only held one a chicken, but I named it Fredrica! I was SO proud!), and we made baskets to give to needy families. We went to four houses, but one stood out to me. I was actually blessed enough to be the one to pray for this family. I prayed, and I looked up to see this mom with tears in her eyes. She looked at us and said, “Thank you, I had no food to feed my kids today, so this is a true blessing from God.” Okay, back up. No food. They had no food, and didn’t think they were going to have any today. Tears started welling up in my eyes as I realized this scary truth – there are families who don’t have food. It seems extremely simple, but when you look into the eyes of a woman who didn’t have any food to feed her family, it becomes real. I honestly don’t know how to process this, and I am still working on it. All I know is this- I am so blessed, beyond what I should be. After seeing that woman today, I know one thing. I will not stay in my comfort zone. I refuse to let anything stand in my way of listening to God. Whether that means he will bring me back here to Guatemala, or somewhere else, I don’t know, but I refuse to sit on my couch and do nothing while there are kids who literally have nothing to eat. My prayer for this trip is simple, God: I am yours. Use me however you want .I cannot wait for the rest of this week. It is only day one and my entire perspective on life has been flipped around. Not to us, but to him be the glory.
            To everyone back home, I love you and miss you, but I am truly having the time of my life serving the Lord here. I hope we can have an impact on this community, no matter how small. God can do amazing things, I have seen him do them today, and I can’t wait to see what happens for the rest of this week. Keep up the thoughts and prayers, see you next week!
Love, Tori

So the events that Tori wrote about were extremely powerful for me as well. However, the most impactful moment for me so far occurred right before that. Before distributing the food to the families, we played in the soccer field with the kids in the community. I approached a beautiful little girl, who looked about three years old, to see if she wanted a piece of candy. I knelt down to her level and said, “Hola! Como te llams?’ (Hello! What is your name?) Even before she knew I had candy she sprinted towards me, throwing her arms around my shoulders. She clung tightly to me, speaking with excitement and giggling with sheer joy. Never in my life have I received that kind of greeting! After we hugged for a few minuets, she climbed onto my lap and I offered her the candy. She gratefully accepted it with wide eyes and an ear to ear smile. We then had a grand time kicking a ball back and forth. Even though we could hardly understand each other, there was genuine love between us. This little girl brought so much joy to my heart by loving me and I felt such warmth being able to love on her and shower her with affection. It reminded me of the affection Jesus showers on me when I love Him with childlike faith.

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