Thursday, June 23, 2011

Westwinds Student Journey Team: Photo Journal 2

 Kiley sharing a devotional with the kids at the carnival.
 The group posing with one of the families in Pinitos.
 Kiley, Morgan and Bree working hard.
 Lacey cuts off Corey in the sandwich line.
 Some of the girls praying over the (soon to be) GSM property.
 Mike helping Ben with his shoveling form.
 The team.
 A little rain can't stop us... can it?
 The carnival goes on!
 The Guatemalan kids aren't the only ones that like the candy!
 Tori sharing her testimony.
 Lacey presenting a devotional after the rain.
 Emma with some of the Guatemalan's.
 Morgan and Bree pose with some of their new friends.
Some of the carnival crew stop for a picture.
 Corey, Mike, Ben, & Joe on the sidelines.
 Jess sharing her testimony.
Nina sharing her testimony.

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