Saturday, June 25, 2011

Westwinds Student Journey Team: Day 6 (Friday)

The end of the trip is nearing, which makes me very sad because I’m having such a great time and don’t want to leave. Today we had a wonderful day relaxing in Antigua. We were able to shop in a market, go out to lunch, and explore the beautiful city. This week has been absolutely amazing, and I am so glad I was blessed with the opportunity to come on this trip. I have learned a lot about God’s love, grace, and mercy through the Guatemalan people. Many people here do not have much money, but what they do have is so much love for one another. They look after one another and care for each others needs. They have an overall joy and happiness in their lives, that many people who have so much more, don’t seem to have. One of my favorite parts of this week was being able to interact with the kids, by putting on a carnival for them. Even though we spoke different languages, we were still able to communicate through our actions, and understand each other. A couple of friends and I were able to organize a soccer game with the little kids, even though we knew very little of what each other were saying. I had so much fun just hanging out with the kids, and playing little games like tag. Even though I understood very little, I was able to see many smiles from their faces. Also, John and Amy Banta have been so amazing to work with, and have been such a great example of living a life led my God. I have also been blessed with the opportunity to meet two Guatemalan employees of GSM, Charlie and Ozmar. They coach at the GSM academies, teaching kids soccer skills and God’s love. I have enjoyed seeing how much the kids look up to their coaches, like an own parent. They are both amazing people filled with happiness, and have brought much laughter to us. I am so sad that tomorrow is our last full day, but I have learned many amazing things from this experience. I have grown in my walk in Christ, and will continue to grow even when I’m home in Michigan. I am so thankful for being blessed with this opportunity. I have made new relationships with people, but I’ve also grown in many of my existing relationships.

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